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Dear Student,
This assignment is solved to guide you while submitting the assignments relating to MEG 01 – BRITISH POETRY with IGNOU university for the assignment term 2018-19. Though these solutions are ready to score good marks, you are advised to prepare the answers to these assignments on your own first from the study material received from the university or soft copy of the material may also be downloaded online.
Generally, a student begins pursuing his course by writing solutions to the assignments. However, I advise you to read these answers thoroughly at least four to five times before you start writing them on answer sheets. This exercise makes you understand the in-depth knowledge of the solution. If your time permits you also go through a simple reading of entire material at least once before you begin writing answers to the Tutor Marked Assignments.
As per your Programme Guide (MEG) assignments are given 30% weight in the final assessment while 70% weight is given to the Term-end examinations. Therefore you are recommended to take the assignments seriously to score good marks. The submission of answers makes you eligible to appear in the Term-end examination. It is compulsory to submit the assignment as per the schedule of the IGNOU. Before attempting to answer, you should carefully read the instructions given in the Programme Guide of IGNOU.
I am a voracious reader of the British Dramas, Poetry, Novels of the eighteenth century, English Indian literature, History of English language and technical aspects of the English language. Out of my keen interest in the subject of English, I take it as a challenge in solving the questions and presented to you. Hope enjoy this work.
Best Wishes
MRP Kumar
Price: [price_with_discount]
(as of [price_update_date] – Details)
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