The complexity of life, because they do not understand to simplify the complex, to simplify the complexity, simple is the beginning of wisdom. From the essence of practice, to briefly explain the concept, and vividly cultivate programming interest, this book easy and quickly learn JDBC + MySQL.1. JDBC connect MySQL about Add Delete Update Research2. JDBC Precompiled CRUD3. JDBC Tool DBUtil4. DBUtil User CRUD5. DBUtil UserDAO CRUD6. DBUtil UserDAO Paging Query7. JDBC Reflections Any Object8. JDBC Transaction9. JDBC Save and Export Text File10. JDBC Save and Export Picture11. JDBC Call Stored Procedure Add User12. JDBC Call Stored Procedure Update User13. JDBC Call Stored Procedure Delete User14. JDBC Call Stored Procedure Query User15. JDBC Call Stored Procedure Return Parameter