Stay liquid, think global, and better manage resources withthis authoritative guide Working Capital Management is a comprehensive primer onkeeping your business financially competitive in the face oflimited access to short-term funds. With detailed insightapplicable to each phase in the business cycle, this authoritativeguide helps managers revamp current practices for more efficientuse of assets and liabilities, including more stringent monitoringand planning of collections, disbursements, and balances. Readerswill learn how to minimize investments in idle resources, and howto maximize the use of forecast data to better identify risk andthe optimal use of available funds. Case studies illustrate thepractical applications of the ideas presented, with particularattention given to cash budgeting, forecasting, bankingrelationships and other common scenarios with specificrequirements. Managing a company’s short-term resources is both an artand a science. Effectively maintaining funds for ongoing activities– and keeping those funds liquid, mobile, and available– is a masterful skillset lacking in business. WorkingCapital Management offers practical advice for managers in thischallenging position, providing guidance that helps them: Learn the specific metrics at work in capital management, andthe problems that they can cause Improve cash management with robust fraud protection and betteruse of short-term instruments Manage the issues that arise from accounts receivable,inventory, payables, information management, and internationalsources Develop an effective management system for key points in theworking capital cycle The recent liquidity crisis in the U.S. has thrown the spotlightonto those companies that have adjusted well to credit contractionand the weakened economy, and these success stories – some ofwhich are noted in the book – demonstrate that a positivebusiness outcome can be accomplished. Working CapitalManagement provides a clear look at a complex issue, withpractical, actionable, sustainable advice.