With over 10,000 entries and more than 1,800 examples of words in ‘real-world’ context, ‘The Erotic Writer’s Thesaurus’ is the most thorough, in-depth, serious reference of its kind. Besides all the expected “obvious” words-with long lists of creative substitutes-users will also find entries representing a wide range of gesture and emotion, words to establish erotic context and setting including common expressions, expletives, “swear words” and insults with “clean” alternatives, plus many antiquated or obsolete words and phrases of value to writers of erotic historical narrative. The Erotic Writer’s Thesaurus differs from “traditional” reference books of this type in two significant ways. In most thesauruses, word lists are arranged hierarchically, that is, synonym lists will first show the nearest alternatives to the entry (headword) followed by more remotely-related words, all regardless of alphabetization. In almost all earlier thesauruses, headwords were arranged so as to reflect an editor’s judgment about which forms of a word were most common or useful, thus, a word like “exact” might be presented first as an adjective, and then as a verb, while in the same book,”advance” might be presented first as a noun, than as a verb, and then in its adjectival form “advanced”. All synonym lists in the EWT are arranged in strict alphabetical order. Where a word may belong to several parts of speech, those variants are always presented in the same order: verb, noun, adjective, adverb or preposition. Some words or phrases also function as intensifiers, interjections, or colloquial expressions, and these functions are indicated as appropriate. There are some words that defy synonymization, and so, occasionally, ‘The Erotic Writer’s Thesaurus’ also functions as a dictionary, offering brief definitions, which may be used as a starting point for more in-dpeth research.