Social Science Concepts for Social Workers (MSW-003 )
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1. Describe the various stages of family life cycle.
Define socialization. Explain the main agencies of socialization.
2. Discus briefly the stages of human growth and development.
Critically examine the impact of social change on the institution of family.
3. Answer any twoof the following questions in about 300 words each :
a) Discuss the challenges faced by elderly members in the society.
b) Explain the relation between law and social work giving suitable examples.
c) What is the impact of marital discord on children?
d) Define social institution. Enlist their functions.
4. Attempt any fourof the following in about 150 words each:
a) What are the functions of stereotypes?
b) Enlist some of the functions of groups.
c) Briefly describe any two leadership styles.
d) What is radical social work?
e) Enlist the different ways of learning.
f) Write a short note on the relevance of motivation in social work practice.
5. Write short notes on any five of the following in about 100 words each:
a) Culture
b) Social stratification
c) Urbanization
d) Role conflict
e) Maslow’s need hierarchy
f) Coping mechanism
g) Gender
h) Peer group
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