After Great response of Oracle APEX – Tips and Tricks I, Priyanka Agarwal is releasing her second book in series. Oracle APEX – Tips and Tricks II contains step-by-step application development techniques, real-world coding examples, and best practices. You will find out how to work with the App Builder and Page Designer, use APEX themes (responsive and mobile included), templates and wizards, and design and deploy custom web apps. Helps understand APEX concepts and programming fundamentals. Make the most of Oracle Apex with this guide to best practices and its Tips and Tricks II. It will help you look at the bigger picture when building applications and take more elements into account and deal with everyday common issues that are faced. Who This Book Is For This book is filled with tips on how to make the most of Oracle APEX. Developers beginning with application development as well as those who are experienced will benefit from this book. You will need to have basic knowledge of SQL and PL/SQL to follow the examples in this book. In Detail Have you ever wanted to create real-world database applications? In this book you’re not only getting APEX best practices and tricks, but will also take into account the total environment of an APEX application and benefit from it. “Oracle APEX Tips and Tricks” will guide you through the development of real-world applications. It will give you a broader view of APEX. The various aspects include setting up APEX environment, testing and debugging, security, and getting the best out of SQL and PL/SQL. “Oracle APEX Tips and Tricks” is where practical development begins! Published by: MeetCoogle
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