IN THE END, SHE WILL HAVE NO CHOICE BUT TO SURRENDER TO HIM. Hypnotizing and brainwashing the pretty mathlete became Archer Badgley’s new obsession after she beat him in last year’s competition. But now that they are reunited for a new competition, Stacey Carmichael is expecting Archer’s revenge in the form of embarrassing pranks—not hypnosis. She is not expecting the expensive perfume gift that makes her feel a little dizzy and ditzy when she wears it. Brainiac Stacey is not expecting a brainwashing math video with subliminal messages and a sexy spiral that just keeps twirling and twirling and twirling… Pretty spiral. So pretty. Or a hypnotic and soothing, masculine voice whispering for her to just let go and stop thinking. Telling her what it really means to be a submissive good girl. The math competition prohibits calculators, but there is nothing in the rulebook about enslaving the smartest, prettiest contestant into a good little bimbo. With each hypnotic trigger Archer places in her mind, she starts to wonder why she wouldn’t want to surrender to him. To listen to his every word. Melt her thoughts away. Surrender to the pleasure of hypnosis. And obey. Warning: This adult erotic romance novel of around 30,000 words contains mature sexual situations involving hypnosis and mind control.
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