“Wit, Compassion and Poetic Talent-right here where I’ve got my Thumb-a Cinch! I think you’llrun as high as 98 per cent on all the Intellectual Faculties. In your Case we have a Rare Combinationof Executive Ability, or the Power to Command, and those Qualities of Benevolence and Idealitywhich contribute to the fostering of Permanent Religious Sentiment. I don’t know what your presentOccupation is, but you ought to be President of a Theological Seminary. Kindly slip me ThreeDollars before you Pass Out.”The Tall Man separated himself from Two Days’ Pay and then went out on the Street and pushedPeople off the Sidewalk, He thought so well of Himself.Thereafter, as before, he drove a Truck, but he was always glad to know that he could have beenPresident of a Theological Seminary.
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