Imagine spending your whole life searching for the one; searching for acceptance; searching for just a hint of satisfaction. Imagine walking through life alone, confused, and convinced you will never find what it is your heart desires. Jared Covington is such a man in search of all things life has promised, but has not delivered. I’m On My Way is a passionate tale of a sometimes bitter, sometimes angry, but always hopeful young man and his search to undercover the love of his life and in the process, himself. In terse, fluid prose, David paints three-dimensional portraits of each of his main characters. Set against the backdrop of New York City, the book addresses critical issues surrounding being black, gay and at times closeted in America without sounding preachy. David’s high quality of writing, and carefully developed themes seamlessly takes us into the hearts and minds of several young men sorting through some of life’s most pressing issues. This engrossing debut, challenges stereotypes, emits hope, and brings to life the often-misunderstood world of gay minorities.