Database Management Systems: Understanding and Applying Database Technology focuses on the processes, methodologies, techniques, and approaches involved in database management systems (DBMSs). The book first takes a look at ANSI database standards and DBMS applications and components. Discussion focus on application components and DBMS components, implementing the dynamic relationship application, problems and benefits of dynamic relationship DBMSs, nature of a dynamic relationship application, ANSI/NDL, and DBMS standards. The manuscript then ponders on logical database, interrogation, and physical database. Topics include choosing the right interrogation language, procedure-oriented language, system control capabilities, DBMSs and language orientation, logical database components, and data definition language. The publication examines system control, including system control components, audit trails, reorganization, concurrent operations, multiple database processing, security and privacy, system control static and dynamic differences, and installation and maintenance. The text is a valuable source of information for computer engineers and researchers interested in exploring the applications of database technology.