Building Websites All-in-One For Dummies

Building Websites All-in-One For Dummies

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Ten minibooks in one! The perfect reference for beginning webbuilders This hefty, 800+ page book is your start-to-finish roadmap forbuilding a web site for personal or professional use. Even ifyou’re completely new to the process, this book is packed witheverything you need to know to build an attractive, usable, andworking site. In addition to being a thorough reference on thebasics, this updated new edition also covers the very latest trendsand tools, such as HTML5, mobile site planning for smartphones andtablets, connecting with social media, and more. Packs ten minibooks into one hefty reference: Preparation, SiteDesign, Site Construction, Web Graphics, Multimedia, InteractiveElements, Form Management, Social Media Integration, SiteManagement, and Case Studies Covers the newest trends and tools, including HTML5, the newAdobe Create Suite, and connecting with social media Offers in-depth reviews and case studies of existing sitescreated for a variety of purposes and audiences, such as blog sitesand non-profit sites Walks you through essential technologies, includingDreamweaver, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, and more Plan, build, and maintain a site that does exactly what youneed, with Building Web Sites All-In-One For Dummies, 3rdEdition.

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