REVELATION will transport you into the year 2001 to witness the beginning of the “NEW BIBLICAL MILLENNIUM” and the much-prophesied Rapture of the Church. The world’s greatest scientists label it an unpredictable yet explainable cosmic catastrophe. Worldwide turmoil and anguish follows the disappearance of millions from the face of the earth, while in time, the unrepentant must face God’s wrath. REVELATION is a gripping read that will captivate you as it takes you on an exhilarating journey through the Tribulation to witness the plight of the Silmar family who is left behind and must find salvation amid a productive-turned-turbulent-world where most inhabitants unknowingly follow the Antichrist. Unlike other prophetic thrillers, when all hope appears lost, REVELATION uniquely and miraculously provides an ending of hope and reassurance to both the Silmar family and its readers. Written for the millions who hunger for prophetic insight, REVELATION is a Biblically inspired thriller that is well crafted and rooted faithfully in an uplifting scriptural context that will arouse and enlighten Christian as well as secular readers.